It seems that Apple watch the new H-hour to suffer from some of the problems that affect the normal traffic of the device or it may pose some health problems for users as pointed out by some journalistic sources, citing the number of users.
And the number of Almsstkhaddman had indicated earlier that hour Apple watch do not work with them well, and it comes in particular to users who hold Shuma on their bodies and exactly the wrist area where placed hour Apple, where indicated Apple that her hour will not work well with Persons who hold Shuma especially in Mnsqh hand and wrist, and back, according to the company that the user in these tattoos ink the influence and jamming on the light in the back of Palmstharat time and using diodes emitting light LED.
But a new problem emerged in the recent period as the transfer of specialist "phone arena" location where noted that a number of users expressed their strong resentment after he suffered infections and rashes on the skin, especially in the wrist area where are placed the smart time the new Apple watch, although the company confirmed doing experiments around the clock to make sure that their impact on the health of users.

The Apple has confirmed earlier that people who suffer from allergy problems in the skin of the hand materials used in the manufacture of time and other materials not recommended their use for this watch.
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