Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The only condition for Mark Zuckerberg to hire a new person in Facebook (video)

الشرط الوحيد لمارك زوكيربيرغ من أجل توظيف شخص جديد في فايسبوك (فيديو)With the expansion of the activities of the digital world companies have become these companies in an urgent need to employ frames and distinctive competencies can afford to carry the burden and private functions for the development of the company and is also the case of the social networking site Facebook, where its founder, Mark Zuckerberg explained his point of view at this point.

The golden rule for Mark Zuckerberg explained by saying, "I'm ready to hire anyone to work for me if I could, too, to work for him," before adding, "It's a good test and has been very useful for me," Marc Zukirberg gave an example of "Sheryl Sandberg" Operating Director facebookLinkDescription where he said, "must be someone special privilege to work at Facebook, from my point of view, the" Sheryl Sandberg, "plays a key role in the evolution of Facebook within a healthy and competitive environment."

It is reported that, in comparison with the rest of the digital world companies, the Facebook is the least major employers frameworks and engineers, where the company has 10,000 employees just Although the number of users of the site exceeds the billion users, with Google, for example, employs 55,000 employees, and on the other hand, the face of Mark Zuckerberg advice for young people who use the excuse small age or lack of experience by saying that he began his project at the age of 19 years and that the only human that does not diminish its value because each person add special in this life


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