Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Google launches officially updated Android 5.1 system

Google announced through the official blog on Monday announced the launch of the new update to its mobile "Android", the new update, which will carry the version number 5.1 will come with a number of advantages as it will reform some of the technical problems experienced by users of Android 5.0.
And come the new version 5.1 of Android in order to improve some of the points in this system, including improving the stability of the system as well as to fix some technical problems, and the update became supports multiple SIM cards and smart phone users without forgetting the "protection device" feature, which will enable the Lock your smartphone to communicate with the user's Google account.

In addition, the new update to Android 5.1 will support high-resolution contact HD in the case of the user's computer and telecommunications company supporting it, and it will come additions of new such as management of the best random memory, better management of the battery, repair communication problems across Aloyfa, reform-related feature commands problems Acoustic and notices.

The new update will be available for devices Google "Nexus 6" and "9 Nexus" In addition to the operating system Android 5 devices.


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