Sunday, May 24, 2015

Expose and publish the first browser to 3.5 million pornographic sites this year by name and e-mail and date of birth details ..

It enables a group of pirates from disclosing more than 3.5 million browser to pornographic sites this year 2015 the names of details, and were able to reveal their identities in detail, including the names and dates of birth and e-mail and the IP address.

These pirates and managed by Channel4 site of penetration pornographic site known bringing the number of its subscribers to more than 64 million members, and they reveal their identities and details of the birth of each member of the e-mail dates and spread on the social networking Twitter site, also threatened the leader of this group of pirates, named "Roar" management This site pornography to expose all of the data on the Internet if they are not handed over $ 100 thousand.

It states that he was warning a month ago through issued a global report by experts as stated by the expert, "Brett Thomas" through research conducted shows that the major porn sites threatened by infiltration of several pirate party had access to the capabilities and sophisticated methods make them are third party who hunts existing information between the user and pornographic sites, and have warned of these pirates after they receive the data from the extortion and the threat posted motivated to get ransoms or large sums of money. This expert has warned that the information provided by the site pornography browser without his knowledge, which could fall into the hands of abusers who will publish them in detail, what would be a big scandal and damaging the reputation of the person your browser.


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