Friday, April 10, 2015

Facebook describes the fact that the issue of tracking non-registered users in site its

فايسبوك توضح حقيقة قضية تتبع المستخدمين غير المسجلين في موقعها
The deployment of a group of Belgian researchers beginning of this month, a study regarding the extent of respect for the social networking site Facebook for the private life of the users, the report, which came shocking for a large number of followers revealed many facts, including the Facebook universe keeps track of users as they browse other sites even if registered out of the networking site social, but it is also able to track users who do not already have an account on Facebook as soon as they visit a public page does not require registration to see them on the site.

The report, prepared by researchers Belgians from the University "Leuven" group and from the Free University of Brussels, clearly indicates that social Facebook networking site is violating European laws, including that the practices are illegal and without the knowledge of users, where the site can track the users and especially so for by "social plugins" including the user when it is in the process of browsing a number of sites marks a private facebook Link Description or button push of the Post and others within those sites that are no longer free of such additives, Lake icon for the latter to send all its data to the management Facebook traffic beginning of the name and address of the Internet site, which was visited by ..., but Facebook can also continue to follow even if the user has logged out of position and by the trace log files, or browsing (cookie).

The report also indicates that Facebook is also tracking Even people who are not registered on the site, where the visit of this type of users in any public Facebook and open to all, even non-registered on the site produce as well as add a file in their own browsing history page where sends browsing history Special those to Facebook, which means management traceability surfing.

Facebook declined to report in a timely manner and considered that a lot of inaccuracies and that the researchers did not Esicirōha or take her mind on this subject, but it returned through her blog to clarify its position on these accusations, which indicated that it is not the exercise of a systematic, but rather a "technical glitch" hit a small number of users and will be repaired.


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