Friday, March 13, 2015

Recognize Chinese version of Apple Watch and the price is incredible!

تعرف على النسخة الصينية من آبل واتش و بثمن لا يصدق !  It is known that a lot of Chinese companies are active in the field of technology never miss any opportunity for new innovation to a digital world companies known appears to providing counterfeit copy of it, and that's exactly what happened with Apple and smart her watch the new Apple Watch where it became her copy Chinese Costume 
And the first Chinese company started in this matter is the Chinese company "Hyperdon" where smart time, I launched a counterfeit version of Apple Watch, and it called the "de Watch" "D Watch" and is similar in design to an hour Apple but it's different confirmation in everything except that, in addition, they are available in several colors and the Android operating system, but the most important is the price that does not exceed 25 euros
On the other hand, appeared in the Chinese market and other models Costume hour new Apple "Apple Watch" and bearing different names, some chosen a name "Ai Watch" or even "iWatch" and the whole perfume cheap and specifications nothing to do with the original version plus it is compatible with the original course iPhone phones!.


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