Thursday, March 19, 2015

Facebook allows the user to choose the heir to his account in the event of death

فايسبوك تسمح للمستخدم باختيار وريث حسابه في حالة الوفاة
The social networking site Facebook in the application of a new feature that will allow users to choose his successor to their accounts in case of death, and this should be the heir to one of the users on the list of friends and is not the first feature of its kind in this area began.

And considered the issue of the management of user accounts on social networking and digital world sites generally sites after his death, one of the technical dilemmas and moral that have emerged in recent times, and Facebook has recently dealt with this problem by adding two advantages in this regard Tmcnan of the closure of the user account deceased or converted to a memorial page, but today there is a third feature.
The new feature launched Facebook in published between users and will be available in the settings for the user account in the section on security and is an optional feature, and enable it to choose a friend who will inherit the user account after death account, but a friend who is chosen for this process, it is not obliged to agree , where he could rejection or acceptance.


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