Five students noticed a Danmarkiyat to suffer such problems throughout the day .., such as lack of concentration and dispersion of attention .. because sleep next to their cell, and then they decided to conduct a scientific experiment equipment from a simple home for not Tofarhn a good possibility, but the successful experience aroused the interest of scientists around the world and got a first class honors in regional science competition.

After 12 days was awesome lead as seeds in radiation-free room to grow and become green appeared, and the seeds in the second chamber in the middle of Roatr and mobile phones are no longer grow and cells died dramatically.
One interesting experiment Jdbt neuroscientists at the Institute "Karolinska" in Sweden, and these scientists would like the application of this experiment on living organisms plants because it is really dangerous is the discovery of radio waves that affect the human body cells. And many specialists advised scientists to deport phone from the body during sleep nearly 1 Mitraly least avoid the serious diseases that may be caused by this habit.
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