Friday, May 1, 2015

A security researcher offers the strangest way to penetrate the Android phones!

باحث أمني يقدم أغرب طريقة لاختراق هواتف أندرويد !
With the development of new technologies have emerged a lot of means for pirating devices and different systems, but a security researcher Americans revealed a new way is the strangest thing of its kind, where he planted a slice "NFC" under the skin of his hand to the then pirating smartphone operating system Android.

Engineer and US security researcher "Seth Wahle" recently revealed to the site "Forbes" for inventing new technology enables it to penetrate all smart phones Android system in space geographic specified where there are a hacker, and this road is among the strangest thing that has been disclosed to date and is based the NFC chip implant under the skin of the hands of hackers and exactly between the thumb and index finger.
This technology enables a hacker to send links via NFC chip to the smart system Android phones and near hacker, and what the user clicking on the link until the malicious program installed in the user's phone, allowing the program to link direct contact with the hacker computer located remotely The latter and the breach of the phone.

And plans to researcher Seth Wahle provide this new way of penetration on the sidelines Hack Miami Conference and Conference 2015, which is expected to take place during the month of May next, but many experts warn that this method may be exploited in a bad way by people with criminal intentions, especially In order to penetrate the security systems on board aircraft or other security-sensitive facilities and the public.


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