Some believe that the Chinese products may not be comparable to European or American counterparts, but Xiaomi company Ataatbut contrary through its products, which combines sophisticated design and strength, but also offers several products Atmentha vary depending on the purchasing power of the buyer. Policy close to the international companies, has made sweeping digital devices market par excellence, it is sufficient that the company Xiaomi Janice entered the Guinness Records sells two million Xiaomi phone in just 24 hours!
As long as we talked about purchasing power, let me suggest you some devices tested by myself and I had a chance participation my experience with it in previous episodes such as smart lamp which can be controlled from a smartphone, which does not exceed the price now of $ 30 or as well as some devices that have never said you audits her but present in small offices such as Kemira yi and that you can connect them in any smart phone by Allowaavaa and capture high-resolution images in addition to the phone xiaomi mi 4, which was previously and you make a revision to the Code, Nhiek for router elegant company, which used it to post online by wifi ... all of these devices have been successful experience with God, the language barrier, which I hope to really be exceeded in Thdatat close to the company. Yes, unfortunately, that all graphical their windows are only in Chinese, which makes it difficult to manage these devices process where it becomes necessary for you to see YouTube!

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