Friday, April 10, 2015

Study: Facebook a major cause of depression and psychological problems!

دراسة: فايسبوك سبب رئيسي في الاكتئاب و المشاكل النفسية !
A new study from the University of "Houston" America indicated that excessive use of the site and Facebook social networking addiction is causing users to severe psychological problems and symptoms of depression, and had a lot of similar studies have raised the issue of the negative effects of Facebook social networking site.

The new study for the University of Houston and recently published in the scientific journal "Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology" indicated that US researchers carried out the experiment on a group of students from the University of "Southwestern" in Texas regarding the effects of the use of the site on this sample.

The study pointed out that the more spent per capita for more on the social networking Facebook site the greater the possibility of suffering symptoms of psychological related to depression and the reason for this is that users often compare themselves on the site through a negative interaction with the postings of pictures of vacations own and other the happy moments, users tends to believe that they are less happy than others, or they do not live a normal life, which many people lose self-confidence and cause these psychological problems.

And considers these comparisons are what ultimately leads the user to depression and loss of self-confidence in the future.


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