Thursday, April 9, 2015

French channel famous exposed to greater piracy operation in its history by "Daash" !

قناة فرنسية شهيرة تتعرض لأكبر عملية قرصنة في تاريخها من قبل داعش !
A painful blow to those received by the French media representatives in one of the most famous French channels, where she was channel TV5 French MONDE known letter to attack organizer and coordinator and a huge led to piracy official page of the channel in addition to out the official site for the service and stop the broadcast channel programs on satellite .

And follower channel TV5 has been MONDE on the social networking Facebook site has surprised last night that the official page on the social networking site has become a broadcast calculated content on extremists, before to make sure it through pictures and blog published calculated to organize radical Daash and support for this organization pirates In addition to private documents relatives of French soldiers involved in the war against Daash and threats of the French state, and the official website displays turn to penetration by hackers, in addition to the channel's broadcast on the satellite stopped for more than three hours.

And with regained channel her official on Facebook since the early hours of the morning and returned the channel gradually broadcast in a number of regions of the world, the official website is still out of service to the limits of this time, and has indicated director of digital affairs channel TV5 MONDE "Helen Zemmour" In an interview with her Francetv info channel that this attack is unprecedented since the 30 years of the beginning of the channel, and confirmed that the French channel systems have been badly damaged which means that the return to normal will require several hours or even days.

And followed Helen Zemmour responsible channel TV5 MONDE that these electronic attack had been arranged carefully throughout the long weeks and that the rules of procedure of the channel may be affected in addition to the professional e-mail, and referred to this process is the largest and most dangerous process piracy electronic carried out by hackers calculated on Daash extremist organization.


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