Saturday, March 21, 2015

Three people accused of stealing a letter billion! And how it made $ 2 million

The United States on Friday accused three people on charges of theft billion letter !!
US Department of Justice announced yesterday accusing three people are hacker of Vietnam and a Canadian one, and have been charged with gang configure an online scam in which they stole nearly one billion e-mail. They are also accused of damaging messages resurrected exposure for sale of counterfeit software.
According to Reuters, the e-mail that companies are exposed to these processes specific judicial documents did not provide in this matter and added the US Department of Justice that the United States has never seen such serious cybercrime.

We have to face the accusation "Viet Nguyen" and "Jiang Huang Fu" aged 25 years and two nationals Vinamaan used the stolen e-mail addresses in the identification of tens of millions of people who Astahedvohm harmful messages in the campaign. The victims were harmful messages to Internet sites sell them programs and falsely labeled as being from Adobe systems company.

The second defendant was convicted, "Huang Fu," which was deported to the United States in the same month last year on charges of conspiracy and fraud via the Internet. The first suspect is still "Ngion" on the run, while the face of the third defendant, a Canadian, "David Manuel Santos," at the age of 33 years old, was charged with conspiracy to money laundering.

According to a report of judicial Mahkh these two defendants, however, justice exception "Huang Fu" who flee now, they may have made more than $ 2 million through the sale of these counterfeit software and marketed it from Adobe Inc., and marketed the program Adobe Reader 10 fake and sold all a copy of which $ 65.


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