Saturday, March 21, 2015

Earphones pose a threat to the health of users

سماعات الأذن تشكل خطرا على صحة المستخدمين
With the development of technology, especially with regard to mobile devices from smart phones or computers Tablets and others became impossible for the user to give up his earphones, but many do not realize the serious of these devices on their health and the health damage is confirmed by recent reports of the World Health Organization.

The use of earphones is common, especially among teenagers and young people, but the abuse of this accessory may cause serious health problems, according to the World Health Organization, which confirmed this in its latest report, which indicated that 50 percent of young people and teenagers between 12 and 35 years exposed to unsafe levels of voice as a result of improper use of earphones.

And an update to the same report, the World Health Organization indicated that 40 percent of young people are exposed to levels of sound is classified as serious, where there is more than 1.1 billion users are at risk of damage to hearing, and the World Health Organization recommends that exposure to levels of sound exceeds 85 decibels During the period of more than 8 hours, and that the ratio should not exceed 100 decibels within 15 minutes.

And the fact that the measurement of these levels is not available to all, it is recommended not to be subjected to high levels of sound and not use earphones for long periods.


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