Founder and sat giant Microsoft Corp. "Bill Gates" at the top of the list of world's richest people issued by the site "Forbes Forbes" Almadi.oahrz this week ranked first in the list of world's richest for the year 2015 which is the sixteenth time that gets them on this title.
According to "Forbes" the wealth of Microsoft founder has increased from last year to $ 3 billion, the estimated this year to $ 79 billion, and added that "Gates" took center stage in the annual list 16 times in 21 years.
And came in second place Almixhexa business man of Lebanese descent, "Carlos Slim Helu," which finished second last year, too, after that defeated giant Microsoft Corp. for the second time in a row this year.
It was "sound" runners may Ashoz the title for three times the years 2007, 2010 and 2013, and despite the fact that his fortune has increased this year from 72 billion to 77.1 billion dollars, but he was not able to overcome the "Bill Gates" the owner of the largest wealth in the world and reached L79 billion.
And provide young billionaire "Mark Zuckerberg" to the sixteenth place in the list, to be the first time that ranks among the list of twenty Onia world, estimated wealth founder of Facebook in 2015 to 33.4 billion dollars.
The youngest billionaire is young, "Ivan Spiegel" who at the age of 24 years is one of the foundations of the application of the famous snapchat, where his fortune was estimated at $ 1.5 billion.
The world now has a billionaire in 1826, according to a report, "Forbes" 181 billionaires, up from last year.
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