Sunday, May 17, 2015

Google preparing to launch a button to buy directly from the results of its search engine

Google company announced its willingness to add a new button below the search engine results of Google Alshahyar runway will allow users to purchase directly from the search results without going through any external page.

Googleand explained that the new purchase button feature will be available beginning to search on mobile devices because of the superiority of the results of searches via mobile devices on their counterparts for computers in many countries, notably the United States. Thanks to this superiority will depend Google pre-launch feature on mobile devices.
This feature allows the purchase of products from several Contracting stores with Googlethrough the search results, and when you press the button will not pass any external page and taken it private credit card or payment instrument with make it possible to keep this information information the user will be transferred to a private Google page to secure acquisitions users inadvertently used in the purchase and future trading operations.

Previously, the company Google that Google Shopping service which allows the user launched browse and search for many of the products and compare prices existing in the market which offered several electronic stores, and you convert the user to purchase page for the store, the seller of the product, but the "purchase button" service, which plans to Google ask the user will leave within Googlepages without leaving the site about any external.


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