Sunday, May 10, 2015

After 17 years .. space signals originating microwave

 علماء الفلك , محطة رصد فضائي , إشعاعات المايكرويف , طرائف وغرائبAstronomers discovered, after almost 17 years, the signals captured by astronomical radio observatory in Australia, as coming from space are only signals issued by the microwave oven in the office.

Over these decades, tried to astronomers at Parkes station in Australia to determine the source of strange signals picked up by the observatory at the station as perhaps issued by strangers in space, or at best issued by the moons of Russian industrial trying to mislead them, and finally enable scientists to it, and by pure coincidence .

The strange thing is also that this "alien radio signals," was picked up once or twice a year over seven years, ten years.

The scientists discovered how this strange radio signals is, it was not a coincidence, but after what has been the installation of a new tool in the station.

The scientists realized that the signals picked up by the radio astronomical observatory issued by the microwave oven in the office when one of them to open the door of the microwave oven before the latter ends of the heating process, which led to the release of radiation radio package.

The Observatory did not pick up radio signals from the microwave oven only when the pinch facing the microwave, and this is the reason for a repeat capture those signals over the past years.

The head of the physics and astronomy department of Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Simon Johnston told the Guardian that when the space telescope captures such signals, it is hard to expect it to come from the bottom (the office).

In this group of scientists it has shown that there must be "common sense" among scientists, regardless of the number of doctoral degrees they hold.

Also it proved that it is necessary not to open the microwave oven only after the completion of the heating process, so as to avoid any radiation.


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