Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sites are able to get a real IP address, even though I used VPN + try it for yourself and learn how to protect yourself from the gap

المواقع قادرة ان تحصل على عنوان الايبي الحقيقي حتى وإن إستعملت VPN + جرب بنفسك وتعلم كيف تحمي نفسك من الثغرة
Borders to read the title of this post, I think that when you use VPN or proxy as well as the sites can not get the real IP address are you using? Hmm ok I also read an article before the researcher Daniel Roesler and published a serious piece of information which is about information gap exists in webrtc protocol. Where using some tricks javascarept sites can get the real IP address that you used. How? Do not believe? not probleme to try it for yourself!

First Use VPN, and then enter the famous WhatIsMyIp site to make sure that the IP address has changed.
Is it a good change? OK beautiful now admitted to this link. Mapk Are you shocked. Hah I also like you? Is it a real address? Yes, it is well and this is the gap existing in webrtc which lies not only to get the public address public ip address, but also the private Private ip address..
Is there a solution?
Yes there is a solution which is the use of certain additives, but the problem that when used the site has to not browser this site well because it disables scripts. But if you really need to prevent a specific location to get the real IP address, it is the unavoidable use of ScriptSafe for users of Google Chrome as well Disable WebRTC for Firefox users.


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