Sunday, April 12, 2015

Penetration of the White House Of America !

News agency and the White House that the US has been tampered with in computers and success in access to a range of confidential data, and carried out the hack this group of Russian hackers.
The news broadcast news channel CNN said that the group of Russian hackers who carried out the hack succeeded in access to computers and the White House and devices were able to tinker and find a very sensitive and confidential information.
The report, published by CNN channel explained that these hackers have done a few months ago to penetrate the US State Department's systems of thing that helped them after access to computers in the White House computers.
And merely "CNN" stating that the pirates Russians have had access to the work of the US President "Barack Obama" table information and other information is a serious and secret undeclared.
He added the White House in the report as Atkhadd swift action to stop the hack operations, and despite the fact that the pirates did not use sophisticated computers or strong in the process of penetration, where he explained the investigation that the pirates used the ordinary computers and stationed in various parts of the world, and has already been the setting that these group working on behalf of the Russian government.


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