Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Facebook is able to track and spy on users, even if they are not registered on the site!

It seems that the social networking site Facebook problems with penetration and lack of respect for the privacy of the users are still going on, and if it is known on the site of these practices for users on its site is doing the same thing at the right of Internet users who are not registered on its site is considered unusual.

فايسبوك قادر على تتبع و التجسس على المستخدمين حتى لو كانوا غير مسجلين في الموقع !
And it is recognized that social Facebook networking site keeps track of users even outside the site by surfing the Web and other applications, and in order to provide targeted by way of surfing the user and interests on advertising services, but it seems that this is not everything, noting new report to things more serious than we thought.

The new report was published yesterday March 31 by researchers Belgians from the University "Leuven" and from the Free University of Brussels, Dutch-speaking and at the request of the Commission on privacy protection in Belgium, the report clearly indicates that the social networking Facebook site is violating European laws, including that he is practices are illegal and without the knowledge of users.

Belgian report illustrates how Facebook can users and tracking, especially through "social plugins" where the user when it is in the process of browsing a number of sites marks a private facebook Link Description or participate and others within those sites that are no longer devoid of such additions button Lake Icon and a push by the latter to send all its data to the beginning of the Facebook management of traffic name and address of the Internet site, which was visited by ..., but Facebook can also continue to follow even if the user has logged out of position and by the trace log files or browsing (cookie).

But more seriously, according to this report is that Facebook does well to track even people who are not registered on his social networking, where to visit this kind of users of any Facebook page open to all, even non-registered on the site produce as well as add a file in their own browsing history where sends your browsing history to Facebook than those management means traceability surfing.

For its part, Facebook has denied the accusations and confirmed through a spokesman, speaking to her site Business Insider that these researchers have not contacted the Facebook as they did not give the site the opportunity to respond to these accusations before the publication of the report to the public, and also refused to meet with officials of Facebook!


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