Wednesday, March 25, 2015

YouTube is preparing to launch a new service

يوتيوب تستعد لإطلاق خدمة جديدة
It is clear that YouTube subsidiary of Google Todd video platform significantly expand its activities, and starting in the new areas, and also seems to be electronic games in the direct intervention concerns, as revealed new news about the company's intention to launch a new service related to this field.

And YouTube has been shown earlier interest in platform "Twitch" before it acquires a leading e-American company "Amazon" trade, but it seems that ambition YouTube did not stop at this point, since they want to turn off, especially in the field of e-gaming experience.

Site DailyDot quoted sources it did not identify that the YouTube video platform is preparing to launch a live broadcast platform for gaming and e-sports-like platform Twitch, and according to the site, the YouTube and hired a team of 50 engineers specializing in live broadcasts or technology livestreaming for this new project and they may announce this on the sidelines of the largest exhibition of electronic games "E3."

And despite the fact that YouTube has not yet commented on this news, but many of the analyzes indicate that the company is interested in this field by virtue of the huge number of users on its website, as well as this area will see a major development in the coming period.


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