Monday, March 23, 2015

A new report reveals how Google cheats everyone!

تقرير جديد يكشف كيف تغش جوجل الجميع !
It is known that Google leading American company making significant prevalent in all areas, it is also in the field is the number one search engine in addition, they are found in the dominant and monopoly status, but unfortunately it seems that Google does not necessarily respect the conditions of fair competition but are using and put them in order strengthen its control.

Famous American Journal, "Wall Street Journal" announced that it had reached via error report is revised and a native of the Federal Trade Commission US "Federal Trade Commission", which disclosed the illegal practices and unfair carried out by Google in the face of its competitors and is more frankness and clarity of the final version that was introduced earlier and this was serious ones projection information.

This report is the result of a detailed investigation of this committee, which reveals the exploitation of Google to put it to the field of search engines, and in order to show their products and services primarily in the search for flat hood, results and minimize the importance of competitors' services and the ability to appear in advanced mattresses In the search results, the more serious is that the report clearly indicates that Google lobbied on its partners in order to harm the search engine competition.

This report reveals the lane for the behavior of Google to unfairly against competitors, and no doubt it will put a large American company in an awkward in front of users, but also reveals the complicity of some American official authorities, especially in charge of monitoring and framing this area.


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